
Keeping It Real:what if you had no artificial things to cover it up?

Isha Isha Follow Jan 04, 2017 · 3 mins read
Keeping It Real:what if you had no artificial things to cover it up?
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Sometimes I wish I was born before technology took over,before telephone,television,internet and social networks to be particular.I wish I was born during the period when people had nothing to entertain themselves,when music was created with leaves and branches of tree,when even silence could be heard and when photographs were what people’s eyes captured. I wish I was born in those days when I could spend my whole day staring at the clouds changing their shape and sky changing it’s colour,in those days when people wrote letters with their hand and internet was not even in their furthest imagination. I know I sound very impractical.But have you ever thought about it? About life without machines and technology?Things would be simpler and more real.People would write their hearts into paper,capture every moment in their hearts instead of a camera,speak their minds out,sing and dance like mads and live life like a movie!People would keep it real!

Today when I look around myself,I get terrified by the artificial things that surround us.Nothing around us is real.Think about the fruits and vegetables we eat,the pen we use,the bed in which we sleep and mobile phones we are obsessed with.Take some time to notice yourself in the mirror and see how you have accepted artificial things in your life.The lip balm you use for your lips,the shampoo for your hair,moisturizer for your skin,everything that makes you look good is artificial.Accept the fact that you have become an artificial person too.However boring your life is,you always have interesting things to show on facebook,you might be having a bad day but you have a beautiful fake smile to flaunt and cover it up.You want to say something but end up saying something else just because you want to be in the ‘good books’ of people.You have hundreds of friends and followers on facebook and twitter but only a hand full of people who really care.Tragedy lies in the fact that you can’t keep things real even upto yourself.

Technology is making things even worse.Apps can easily make you look beautiful,autotuning can make you sound beautiful and you can easily hide your identity behind your name on internet.But how long is it going to work?And where is it going to take you?Probably to a beautiful happy world that does not even exist!

You might have the best life in the world but have you ever stopped for a second and thought:what if you had no artificial things to cover it up?No make up? No social networks?No technology?What are you without all these things?

I am nobody to ask you these questions.And I cannot give you the answers either.But do you have the courage to ask these questions to yourself?

Try to see yourself in the mirror without makeup,at ur eyes without eyeliner,at your lips without your lip balm,at your nails without your nail colour!However you are too fat,too lean,too short or tall,ask yourself how real you are.Try distancing yourself from social networks.Stop chatting to people every now and then and think if you would feel the same for the person if you stop chatting everyday.Ask yourself if your feelings are real.Ask yourself if you really mean what you say.Instead of reading articles and books online,get them for real,smell the pages,feel the letters and words you read.Instead of chatting, try writing letters to people with your hand on a paper.Talk to people not to computers and mobile phones.Try spending atleast a minute in complete silence everyday.Atleast once a week entertain youself with clouds,trees,rain,animals and birds.Ask yourself if you are still human or has technology transformed you into something else!Cry when you have a bad day and laugh to your fullest when you are happy.Emoticons do not speak emotions but expressions do.Complain about your life in despair and appreciate it when needed.Don’t run from realities. For those to have the courage:Be Human,Be Real!

Written by Isha Follow
Hi, I am Isha, the author of Vineyard. I am an 18 year old girl from Nepal.I wanted to start a blog of my own few years ago but because of my crazy habit of procastinating that coudn’t happen.So finally here I am with my blog :my thoughts,my complains,my diaries,my culture,my world.I believe everyone must contribute something to this world.The world runs because of the small change each individual makes.So I really hope my thoughts will make a small change in the world! I hope you like it!